1.Write a query to get all employee records from "employee" table. select * from employee; 2.Get allemployee records from employee table whose firstname starts with 'A'. select * from employee where firstname like('A%'); 3.Get the employee record from the employee table who is having the lowest "salary". select * from employee where salary=(select min(salary) from employee); 4.Get all employee details from employee table whose joining year is 2013. select * from employee where to_char(joiningDate,'YYYY')=2013; 5.Get first name,project name from "employee" and "project_detail" for those employee which have assigned project already. select e1.firstname,p1.projectname from employee e1,project_detail p1 where p1.employeeid=e1.employeedetailid; 6.write a query to get the department and department wise total salary from "employee" table. select department,sum(salary) from employee group by department; 7.write the query to display the second highest salary from the employee table. select max(salary) from employee where salary !=(select max(salary) from employee); 8.project_detail table having the duplicate "employeedetailid".write a query to find duplicate "employeedetailid" from project_detail table along with the total count of duplicate records. select employeedetailid,count(employeedetailid) from project_detail group by employeedetailid having count(employeedetailid)>1 9.write a query to update the employee salary to '750000' for "Nikita" in the employee table. update employee set salary=750000 where firstname='Nikita'; 10.write a query to delete the employee record which is having the department as "Payroll". delete from employee where department='Payroll';